Allow yourself labours of LOVE…

I came about an article whose main point was: “The most important things to do are the things that will keep you in love” – Dharmesh Shah 

I am sharing the contents below – Wishing everyone to be in love all day long ❤

I have a confession. I’m pathologically persnickety when it comes to how I spend my time in my professional life.

Over the course of the last decade (or so), I’ve removed activities from my professional life that I do not enjoy. I don’t enjoy phone calls, so I have I don’t enjoy managing people — so I don’t (despite the fact that my company, HubSpot [NYSE:HUBS], has over 700 employees).

Don’t get me wrong, as founder of the company I will move mountains to help the company and my team grow. But, over many, many years I’ve discovered that the best thing I can do for the company in the long-term is to allow myself to focus on the things I love doing.

I attribute much of my modest success to the fact that I have allowed myself the luxury to spend time on labors of love.

I love teaching both in written form and otherwise — so I do.

I love learning — and so I do.

I love building things — and so I do.

Here’s a concrete example: For the past year or so, my primary labor of love at HubSpot has been As part of that effort, today, I launched a new tool/service that provides a dynamic list of the top marketing blogs in the world. Now, some might ask: Why would you do this? My answer: Because I thought it needed to exist, it fits into my larger mission of helping marketers connect and grow and because it makes me joyful.

Another example: Despite being Chief Technology Officer for the company, I still write code. Some might argue that there are probably better uses of my time. In the short-run, that’s probably true. But in the long-run, it keeps me plugged in, helps me recruit better and it makes me joyful.

The “makes me joyful” is the most important part. Because I allow myself to do the things that bring me joy, I’m still having a great time at HubSpot. Candidly, I’m having more fun now when the company is 700+ people than I had when we were 70 people — and even 7 people. And in the long run, especially for startups, I think founder happiness matters. Some of the best tech companies in the world still have their founders involved. Google. Facebook. Dropbox. The list goes on and on. What founders bring to the table is not just some domain expertise and talent. They bringlove. To lose that is to lose something important.

So, some closing advice for entrepreneurs:

The most important things to do are the things that will keep you in love.

Of course, in the early years, you may not have the luxury to spend all/most of the time on things you love. That’s OK. Just start somewhere and afford yourself even the small luxuries and take it from there.

Dharmesh Shah is the founder/CTO of HubSpot, and co-author of the book “Inbound Marketing: Attract Engage and Delight Customers Online”. If you want to make his day, check it out on Amazon or follow him on twitter @dharmesh.

8 Martie cu ELLIS Luxury Ceremony


#Cadouri #8Martie #Beautiful #Ellis #EllisLuxuryCeremony #Arad

#Cadouri #8Martie #Beautiful #Ellis #EllisLuxuryCeremony #Arad

Cadouri unicate si superbe de 8 Martie se gasesc din aceasta saptamana la magazinul ELLIS Luxury Ceremony din Arad. Dna Eli Laslean a adus mai multe   brand-uri in magazinul ELLIS pentru iubitorii frumosului, precum colectia aniversara “Wedgewood” – colectii de portelan, cristal, piele si argint – si colectia “Vera Wang” Home Decor. Ambele se pot admira si cumpara in exclusivitate la magazinul ELLIS Luxury Ceremony de pe Str. Lucia Blaga Nr. 1, Arad.


H&M Atrium Mall Arad… Never again !


#h&m #arad #atrium

#h&m #arad #atrium

De vreo 2 saptamani incerc sa ajung la H&M la Atrium Mall in Arad ca sa imi cumpar o pereche de sosete de sport… problema existentiala, recunosc, dar astazi am avut o pauza de 15 minute in program, si eram in zona. Toate bune si frumoase, ajung in magazin si pe langa sosetele cu pricina am vrut sa incerc cateva bluze care mi-au atras atentia. Greseala mea a fost ca aveam si un set de bratari in mana, pe care doream sa le cumpar, cand ma indreptam spre cabina de proba. In acel moment am fost oprita de o doamna care m-a informat pe un ton foarte taios ca nu am voie sa intru in cabina de proba cu sosetele si cu bratarile deoarece sunt camere de supraveghere… I-am spus ca nu este nici o problema, dar ca o rog sa le tina ostatice (pe sosete si bratari) pana cand imi termin treaba in cabina. Normal ca m-a informat ca nici acest lucru nu este posibil… deoarece nu este treaba dansei. Intr-un final, dupa ce a trebuit sa ii explic ca job-ul dansei este sa ma faca pe mine ca si cumparator sa cheltui cat mai multi bani in acel magazin, a venit cu mine in cabina de proba, m-a asteptat pana cand am incercat hainele, si s-a purtat frumos intr-un final. Intrebarea mea este… De ce nu se putea purta la fel de frumos si de la inceput ? De ce a trebuit ca cele 15 minute ale mele de relaxare in H&M Arad sa ma enerveze de fapt, si sa doresc sa cumpar strict lucrul pentru care am venit si nimic mai mult ? De ce din secunda in care am intrat in magazin nu m-a intrebat nimeni daca aveam nevoie de ajutor, considerand faptul ca era aproape gol ? De ce trebuia sa le aud pe vanzatoare strigand una la cealalta despre cum sa puna hainele pe raft ? Cam multe “de ce”-uri…  In concluzie, data viitoare cand am 15 minute libere cu siguranta nu le voi petrece in H&M Arad pentru ca se pare ca nu au nevoie de mai multi clienti 🙂

The birth of my blog :-)


#art #painting #drawing

#art #painting #drawing

I did not have to think very much about starting a blog… I guess subconsciously I always blogged in my head, like so many of us. I felt that it was time I put my thoughts, passions, likes, hobbies, interests, etc on paper, and learn to express myself better. So, here it is! Happy b-day to my blog, and to many followers who will find it interesting 🙂